Tuesday Tips-Easter

Here are the best tips that I can think of when it comes to celebrating Easter…

1- When dying eggs with kids, especially little kids, use a whisk to hold the egg. They can then just dip  the whisk into the cup of dye and not get their hands all colored.

2- Temporary tattoos make great egg decorations. Better yet, the kids can add them on themselves (or ON themselves).

3- Buy your egg dye kits when they go on sale AFTER Easter. The little dye pods won’t loose anything, and you can get a kit for around 10¢.

4- Buy Easter decorations from your favorite craft store AFTER the holiday as well. Put them with all the other fun stuff you find. I typically only add 1 thing a year since I choose to go when they discount is beyond 70% off and there’s not a ton of stuff left. Last year I snagged an Easter tablecloth.

5- This was mentioned yesterday, buy toys and trinkets on clearance throughout the year or on after holiday sales. Even Christmas stuff is fun if you add cute stickers.

6- When stuffing plastic eggs for an egg hunt, avoid chocolate and candy- they melt and chances are your kids will get other candy from friends and family. Opt for things like a treasure hunt, small accessories like earring and necklaces, stickers, temporary tattoos, loose change, small toys like army men that you can buy a package of and divide into the eggs, and even treats like Goldfish crackers. The kids get all the fun with none of the sugar!

7- Buy Easter dresses a year in advance if possible. Sometimes it’s hard to judge size. Last year I made my ladies their dresses. This year they’re using ones that were given to us by a family member, I think she found them at a yard sale. Otherwise, this is another GREAT used item (think consignment shop) or clearance item.

8- Think outside the box on basket stuffers. If you’re dead set on those pre-made baskets then by all means, go ahead, but I think you can get better stuff for less with a little creative shopping. I don’t like to buy holiday specific items for any holiday. Easter stuff is cute and all, but for us, as soon as a holiday is done, we’re looking forward to the next big event- birthday or holiday or whatever. If you stick to generic stuff, they don’t get outdated easily. Craft supplies, art supplies, books and bubbles provide year round fun and all without adding more stuffed animals to your menagerie.

9- Movies are GREAT basket stuffers. We like to put in movies that the whole family will love. The first year, the girls got some Disney movies. For Christmas this past year they got the Croods. These are wonderful items to snag on Black Friday if you want to keep them tucked away (otherwise they make great stocking stuffers).

10- Don’t stress out and don’t get sucked into spending too much money. I honestly can’t remember specific items from any of my Easter baskets growing up. I DO remember spending time with my family, the egg hunts, and just having lots of fun. Time with family and friends is ALWAYS better than ‘stuff’.

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