Tuesday Tips – Spring Cleaning Edition

So these aren’t specific to cleaning persay, but rather to organization and easy ways to do things.

1- Use a silverware drawer divider to store toothbrushes and toothpaste off the bathroom counter





2- Affix 3M hooks to the shower wall and place a open bottom plastic container on them to store toys and allow for water drainage.





3- Attach 3M hooks to wall by most frequently used door and attach a basket to store often used items. (I put a plastic basket by our front door with sunscreen since our kids live outside in the summer. I put in both the face sticks and the lotion. It’s at kid height so that they can grab and bring it to us for application.)






4- Use the large 3M hooks in a hallway to hang jackets, hats, scarves, etc. instead of a hat rack or coat closet. (We don’t have a coat closet- therefore this idea was born of necessity.)


5- In your office, by your most often used exit at your home, in your gym locker, attach a 3M hook to hang your keys on when you enter. No more lost keys!


6- Once a week take a mixture of vinegar and water, rubbing alcohol and water, or Clorox or Lysol wipes and wipe down remotes, phones, all the door handles in your house, all toilet levers, all light switches, and all knobs that are used often. This will help cut down the spread of germs. Be sure to allow surface to remain moist for 60-90 seconds to allow cleaner to kill germs.


7- Wash your oven racks/dogs/super muddy stuff in the tub JUST before you scrub the tub. If you can’t scrub right away, fill tub with warm water and some dishwasher detergent. This will soak off the grim and cut through the gunk. Be sure to spray down with vinegar and rinse when you have the time.


8- Vinegar is a GREAT cleaner and deodorizer. I had a dog a few years ago that peed INTO my laptop case (yes, with my laptop still inside of it) and made my case stink. I soaked the entire case in vinegar for a full day and it removed the smell. It was a lifesaver for my expensive laptop case.


9- Aluminum pans from the dollar store are fantastic for making bulk meals. These are great for giving at baby showers, when someone’s had surgery, for holidays and events, and just when someone needs a break.


10- To shred a large amount of chicken fast (freezer meals anyone?) toss the still warm breasts into your stand mixer with the paddle attachment. The juicy breasts will shred perfectly.




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